Please Join the Justinian Children's Endowment Foundation and co-sponsor, windy City Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Club, for a night of food, drinks, casino games and charity. All proceeds will benefit the Justinian Children's Endowment Fund and Windy City Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Club benefiting the Literacy Fund at Pi Beta Phi Foundation, an organization which supports reading initiatives and literacy advocacy programs for children.
Date: February 21, 2019
Location: Formentos - 925 W. Randolph, Chicago, IL 60607
Time: 6 pm
We've planned a wonderful evening of cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, with plenty of Fun Casino Money as part of your ticket price, which may be exchanged for raffle tickets to win fabulous prizes! You will have a chance to win $10,000 in cash! Tables include craps, blackjack, roulette and poker!
Some of our prizes include:
- Visa gift card - $500 value
- Hair Product gift basket - $400 value
- Hotel stay Fairmont Hotels 1 night stay and & spa credit - $300 Value
- Solo Salon gift card - $200 Value
- American Airlines gift card - $100 value
- And many more!!
Please consider becoming a sponsor! The sponsorship levels are:
Royal Flush: $2500 donation. Sponsor will receive recognition and 4 tickets
Full House Sponsor: $1000 donation. Sponsor will receive recognition and 2 tickets
Wild Card Sponsor: $500 donation. Sponsor will receive recognition
To make a donation in any amount, click here
Ticket Price- $125 PLUS 100 Fun Money Casino Chips
Thank you to our generous sponsors!

Bring your friends!
All proceeds benefit The Justinian Society of Lawyers Endowment Fund,a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent of the law.