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Scholarship Application Deadline

  • Friday, October 22, 2021

Now accepting applications!
All scholarship applications and supporting materials must be received on or before October 22, 2021.

The Justinian Society of Lawyers Endowment Fund provides annual scholarships to students attending law school in Illinois.  We are looking to award scholarships to students that can demonstrate a financial need and are excelling academically.

Transcripts of law school enrollment and grades, together with a black and white photo of the applicant must accompany the written application. All applicants are additionally required to indicate whether they previously have been awarded a scholarship by the Justinian Society of Lawyers.

Submission to include:

  1. Completed Application
  2. Narrative consisting of 500 words or less
    1. Describe how Italian culture has influenced your life;
    2. Detail your involvement with Italian-American organizations including the Justinian Society;
    3. Indicate any previous scholarship award from the Justinian Society of Lawyers
  3. Unofficial transcripts of law school enrollment and grades
  4. Copy of your US 1040 federal tax return without attachments or schedules.
  5. Submit a statement of financial need detailing your outstanding student loans and your other monthly living expenses including, but not limited to, tuition, transportation, rent/mortgage, etc. (Please limit this statement to no more than two pages.)

Application Process:

  • Application form and ALL supporting material to be saved as a single .pdf
  • The attachment should be named “2021 Justinian Scholarship Application – applicant’s last name.pdf”
  • Electronic submission only by Friday, October 22 to Catherine R. Locallo at
  • The Subject Line of the email must read “2021 JS Scholarship Application.”

Failure to follow these filing instructions exactly may cause an application to be rejected. Please note that the committee’s decisions will be transmitted via email.

Justinian Society of Lawyers:

Justinian Society of Lawyers' Endowment Fund:


400 E. Randolph St., #3115 | Chicago, IL 60601 | | Tel.  312-820-2063

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